Sunday, July 28, 2024

Turmeric crop

 Last year, turmeric didn't do well, so didn't harvest it. This year it is growing quite well without doing any weeding or fertilizing, only that fodder grass is growing in that area and keep on doing mulching with cut grass.

Till the soil improve to a good level, it may be better to harvest it once in every two year. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Jackfruit seedlings

 Farm has one jackfruit variety which is very tasty. I have been trying to propagate it multiple times, but none of them survived. I used to germinate them in May-June and plant the seedlings by July and they will be quite small by the time I plant them. This time wanted to grow them in nursery and then plant them after an year so that they will become reasonably big.




Dog friends on duty

There are few dogs in the neighborhood of farm and they visit whenever I go there. I give them biscuits and they enjoy it very much. Some times they follow me to farm which I like since there are wild boars, dogs can warn me and also protect me. But after some time, dog friends will just disappear since they have more interesting things to do.

Once my wife suggested me to give them biscuits not at home rather when they accompany you. I started doing that and dogs will just at the site where I work. I carry biscuits in my pocket and will give them in between. Some time I just move with 4 dogs around which makes me quite happy, they are happy too.

Black one is tomy, one facing forward is tobu and other one rosy.

This is rosy, Rocky and karuman (the youngest)


lost Karuman and Rossy to some unknown disease

Karuman...he was very friendly with me...he will be waiting me on the way, and later will run behind my car and will take a short cut and will be ahead of me on the road. When Tomy comes he scares Karuman, but he will come through some other way and will sit beside where I am working, miss you Karuman.

Rossy...She was bit tired after she gave birth to 4 puppies, but was a regular visitor when I come to farm. Miss you Rossy..

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

A mango variety found from a shop

 In 2024 mango season, V.K.Sreeraman a cine artist put a facebook post about variety of mangoes being sold  in a mango shop in Choondal,Kunnamkulam,Trichur. There were lots of different varieties mentioned which were not heard of. Myself and friend Anil wanted to visit and buy few of those varieties. Could not see all the varieties mentioned, most of them had been sold out, bought few kgs of priyoor, black andrews, chandrakkaran type and found another big mango, it was not having any name, bought 1 kg of that one also.

The new type without name was quite good mango with a basic taste of famous variety komanga. Its seed was polyembryonic hence put in grow bags,three germinated and multiple seedlings were separated and kept in grow bags for next season.


