Friday, May 17, 2024

Organic tilled paddy - 1st season 2024

This year summer was very hot and usual summer rains didn't happen, 1st rain came on April 12nd and after that around 3 weeks delay and next rain came. After that it has been consistently raining now. Since I am completely rainfed now, wanted to utilise every rain, especially paddy has to be started with early rains. Traditionally it says, paddy has to be started in Aswathy (April 13 to 27th)  or Bharani njattuvela (April 27th to May 11th).

Bought 10Kgs of Uma seed from Kannannur rice mill of Sivadasan for 35/- per Kg. Also bought 2Kgs of green gram at 150/- per Kg, and 0.5Kgs of Sesame at 200/- perKg and also used some finger millet seeds from last year. All mixed well in a sack and then sown in the field after the tractor completed 1st round of rotovator tilling.

Also put a coir fence around the field, one labor was used and 10 bunches of coir was used at around 180/ rupees totally. Next two days there was heavy rain at the night, so left everything to nature, to see what happens.

May 14th, 2024

May 20,2024

can see green gram and paddy seedlings,both germinated well..could see weeds also coming up well, that is the next challenge


green gram and sesame grows very well, rice germinated very well, but not able to compete with weeds. May be I have to get a variety which compete with weeds well and also can tolerate drought. 

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