Monday, September 7, 2020

Finger millet in trial plot

 Got 0.5Kgs of Finger millet seed from a friend, variety is not known. I had made 2 raised beds at the start of the monsoon, one for cowpea and one for foxtail millet and barnyard millet. Didn't want to till it, so just cut the grass using a hoe, then made rows at 10" apart and then put seeds at around 10" apart, at each point 3-4 seeds were put so that if some does not germinate, still will be having at least one plant. Covered with grass very lightly, so that rows were not in grass.

Cut grass was piled around at one corner and put some soil above it, wanted to see if it can be composted without much effort and can be used in 2 months time.


Seeds are tiny and when they germinate, plants are so small. Right now, I am not able to see uniform germination..feels like, have to put germinated seeds and also may be put 8-10 seeds and then thin them.

Soaked finger millet seeds for 12 hours and then kept them in wet cloth for 24 hours and they have germinated well. So under good conditions they germinate well, may be in soil, some are lost to insects?

Left side is foxtail millet seeds and right side is finger millet seeds...

Germinated seeds also failed to come up, may be because of heavy rains during this time.


Finally transplanted single seedlings...Fokin's hoe is quite useful to cleanup small seeds in these cases

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