Sunday, May 5, 2024

Starting of agriculture activities - traditional way

 According to our traditional agriculture system, Medam 1st - in Malayalam calendar is the starting of agriculture activities, this was on April 14th this year. Medam 1st is celebrated as Vishu in Kerala which is a festival along with farmers starts farming activities. Typically in Kerala climate, it would rain before Vishu festival and there is a saying 'വിഷു കഴിഞ്ഞാൽ വേനലില്ല ' meaning there is no summer after this festival. Also they say in Aswathy njattuvela which happens to be between April 13th to April 27th, and seeds sown in this duration never goes bad. Again there is a saying 'അശ്വതിയിലിട്ട വിത്തും ,ഭരണിയിലിട്ട മാങ്ങയും ,അച്ഛൻ വളർത്തിയ മക്കളും കേടാവില്ല ' which means seeds sown in Aswathy and mangoes put in Ceramic pot and children broughtup by father, never goes bad.

Also there is another auspicious day called Medam 10th, happened to be on April 23rd. Farmers starts planting crops on this day,and since rain would start soon, they have to just water it so that crops are alive till the rain and then they will take off.

Now a days with climate change, things never happens this way. This year it rained on April 12th, it was a reasonably good rain, but after that it hasn't rained so far in this region. 

Since earlier complete farming was rain dependent every rain was utilized so these calendars were really important. I do complete rainfed farming and hence these things are important but with climate change, it becomes more challenging.

May be with first rain, I could have planted some fodder grass slips and Vetiver slips to see if they come up well, but that has to be done on the next day.

Monday, December 18, 2023

Kolumbu mango sapling infront of house

This mango sapling was planted in front of the house in June 2023. This is a very tasty traditional variety and fruits every year.

This time cut and mulched grass around in a big circle so that more moisture is retained and also no grass grows nearby. In mango orchards, they pile up soil around the base of the tree and these trees seems to be growing well. Instead of piling up soil, wants to see if the mulched grass also can do the same.


Cut and mulched around in big circles so that moisture is retained in more area and weed also is controlled in a better way

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Sesame cultivation - as 2023 second crop

First crop paddy didn't do well this time, because of lack of rain. Overall rain was bad this year, so next crop paddy is ruled out. So thought of doing sesame which need less water and also cows/deer does not eat it. Called Mohanan tractor person and he came promptly, took around 1.5 hours to complete the field then sesame 800gms mixed with compost were sown by Palani and rotovated for another 0.5 hour.

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Farm at the end of 2023 rainy season

This year no grass was cut in the farm since rain was less. Basically wanted to provide good shade for the trees, the growth of grass is wild, coconut trees are yet to recover from last summer, they would take some time. I will be cutting the grass and other shrubs at the beginning of next rainy season.

Composting using cut grass

Trying to make some compost from cut grass from pathways. There is lot of grass in the pathways. Cut them using scythe and some are dried and some are green used both green and brown grass. Net was bought from a hardware store - 3 feet tall and 7 feet length, two were brought, totally costed around 1200/. Bought 500ml epoxy primer and thinner and painted it. This costed around 250/ rupees. 

4 wheel barrow full of grass is used, grass was spread and cowdung slurry is applied and after each application, the grass was pressed well so that it is compact. 4 kotta of cowdung was bought from a nearby person and this costs around 80/ rupees. This would be sufficient for 4 such compost bins.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Growing mulch in place in paddy field

I have been trying no-till rice/millet for many years, but not successful. The main reason is weed control, once achieved this by growing pureria for close to 1.5 years, but after cutting and growing rice, it didn't come back. Fukuoka san achieved weed control using white clover and also his rice plant grew relatively tall and were adapted to such environment. 

Weeds take over the field during fallow period and with the start of rainy season, they grow first. Mulch is one way to control them and need mulch which decompose slowly. Recently found a fodder grass growing in the farm, which meets these requirements. They grow back in 1 month time after cutting when there is soil moisture and is perennial.

So one field which I was not using for long time, I planted these grasses in rows 8 feet apart and plan is to cut and mulch the space between the rows. Since this mulch decompose slowly should provide good weed control.

Fodder grass, it grows much thicker

Fodder grass planted 8 feet apart in rows

Monday, September 4, 2023

Happy hill rice in backyard

Happy hill rice in backyard didn't do well last time. Even though the area was grown with different legumes, still the fertility was not upto the mark, also since the land had many stones, when it rained, stones were standing out.

So decided to make a low lying area with all stones removed. So dig one area and soil was removed and all stones were hand picked and removed. Then filled the top soil again and compost was spread here. Seeds which was received from Japan in 2021 had been kept in refrigerator, this was kept out side for a day and then soaked in cowdung water for 24 hours and then kept in wet cloth. It germinated in 12 hours 

August 30, 2023


Germination was good and few started growing out


This time in each grow bag, only few plants were retained and they started doing good. Grains started forming