Monday, September 14, 2015

Duck tractor

Recently a friend told me about using ducklings to grow paddy, releasing them to field after transplanting so that they control weeds, aerate and fertilize soil. Some where in the internet found some references of using ducks as tractors also.

On a bicycle trip around gave me a feel of how ducks could be used as a tractor. In the paddy fields around, first crop harvest is being done and duck farmers from Tamilnadu brings ducks in large numbers and leave them on the paddy fields. The fallen paddy seeds and small creatures will be their feast. 

The field after 3-4 days of ploughing work done by ducks. For me, it felt like a perfect field for transplanting, except some areas, still some more ploughing to be done.

Field after 3-4 days of ploughing..

ducks being taken to their night shelter....

As I see this, rice cultivation can be done quite easily using ducks as tractors and also using duckling later for weeding which is one of the major critical task. But all these can be managed well, when you are a true farmer and takes care of your field staying close to your field and farm. It may be impractical in todays world, but definitely doing such activities will give you immense pleasure.



I am really interested in what you wrote here. This looks absolutely perfect. All these tinny details gives me a lot of knowledge.

Anonymous said...

Yes, ducks are lovely animals to take care of/raise. They also can be rather funny animals too! Take a look at the following russian clip:


Nandakumar said...

Thank Zakir and Not that kind of farmer..Zakir , you inspired me cultivation with ducks, so there is good potential for this.

Alan said...

I don't understand - do the ducks clear the field before planting or are they put into after transplanting and not eat the fresh paddy?


Nandakumar said...


Both can be done, ducks can be used to clear the field before planting and later ducklings
can be released for controlling weeds.


Shantanu said...

Very interesting, indeed, Nandan. Are these ducks owned or hired?

Nandakumar said...


Typically in this season, duck owners bring them in vehicles from Tamilnadu since they have enough feed from paddy field.
