Friday, June 9, 2017

Mangoes - 2017 season

Farm has around 20 big mango trees and some smaller ones. There are varieties from Gudadath, Kilichundan,Kolumbu, Moovandan, Jeeri, Sindooram, Neelam, Alphonso, Chandrakkaran and some local varieties. I never used to apply any fertiliser or insecticide, but they yield reasonably well. For couple of years, I had agreement with some retailer and they would take mangoes giving me some money. Later one trader didn't give the money promised so I stopped that deal altogether.

This year, I tried to sell the mangoes by myself. But once I harvest, it will be around 100Kgs and selling them is not an easy task. Finally Altermedia Trichur took some considerable quantity and gave reasonable price starting from 20 rupees per Kg to 60 rupees per Kg depending on the variety. At open market, we get throw away price, around 8-13 rupees per Kg. Since no spraying, mangoes mature at their natural time, and by this time, the market demand will be less.

Anyway, overall, this year we distributed lot of mangoes in the neighborhood and ourself had enough and earned some money too. By next year, some more good marketing had to be done.

Also some varieties are not preferred by customers for e.g - Kilichundan. While varieties like Sindooram, Kolumbu has good demand. So more focus should be done for these varieties. There is one variety which is extremely sweet, name of this variety has to be found.

Chandrakkaran variety - this is a very good variety

Kilichundan - Rose coloured one, small one - kolumbu, other big one - Gudadath

Neelam mangoes...ripes after the start of rainy season, but still tastes good and no pest attack. A single tree yielded around 150Kgs.


Unknown said...

Kilichundan does not ripen. At least that's what I have seen. We have plenty of kilichundans around, one in our own property. We used to have plenty of varieties of nattumavu previously. Unfortunately there was a time when previous generation decided they are not worth and rubber is more valuable. Huge trees...60-80 feet tall.. were cut down. But now there is a rethinking and people started planting those good old varieties. But many varieties have disappeared from the locality. One for example is one variety known as Kotta Manga around here. Used to be so delicious...

Unknown said...

Also i am seeing a huge market opening for non-traditional tropical fruits. Rambuttan, Mangosteen, lychee, avocado...and many others. Being in Palakkad your climate should be ideal for such plants. Especially lychee and avocado. Not as main crop, but you could plant some around the borders of your property such that they don't cause shadow to other short crops....if you haven't already done..

Nandakumar said...


Thanks for the detailed comments. True, lot of traditional varieties are lost. Earlier selling of mangoes was not there, people just eat what they cultivate. Transportation and trading was not there at large scale, business ruined everything. I remember one local variety called 'Mayilpeeli' which is very delicious when ripened. Luckily it is available even now, at least hearing that some people have those trees.

I am not sure, if Rambuttan, Mangosteen etc. survive this climate without watering. Will give a try.
