Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Orchard Management

 I have a variety of cover crops in the farm - fodder grass, mexican sunflower, pureria javanica and have been planting vetiver also in some areas. In rainy season, it grows very tall and blocks the view and also wild boar stay in it and it becomes dangerous to walk around. But in summer season a green cover is a must since there is four months of summer season without a single drop of rain and without irrigation coconut trees and mango trees gets affected.

Made a plan to cut the fodder grass and shrubs twice an year in the middle of rainy season, after the rain stops all cutting and cleaning is stopped. But this time, even though started cutting after the planting, cutting went on, so it looks like may be a single cutting and clearing is enough.

Earlier I used to cut the weeds and gather them at the base of the trees which is a difficult task, now decided that gathering them at the base does not really makes a difference. 

So as of now, orchard management involves cutting the cover once and leaving them as it is. 

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