Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Nature's way of farming

Fukuoka san always aligned with nature's way in the farming. He observed nature and made sure that crop seeds germinate when they naturally germinate in nature. That way nature provides protection for the crops. One example to this was that, when I planted turmeric in raised beds they never used to do very good, mainly because I put them when soil is sufficiently wet after the rain, so in this case mostly they would be germinating in the storage area itself, later grows in the soil. But now I can see some unharvested turmeric grows very well, when they germinate at the right time and grows well. Being root crops, they never gets overgrown by weeds.

Similarly you see rice seeds germinate on the road sides, they grow well, because the germination is at the right time, then they grow with weeds and survive. When we artificially put the seeds, then they are mostly delayed and loose in competition with weeds. So next time, for rice, planning to put seed balls and keep them in soil so that they germinate at the right time.

Taro which was not harvested, has come up very well

Ginger not harvested from last years

Turmeric from last year

Lady's finger which grew from seeds fallen from last year

1 comment:

getfarms said...

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